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The ARRL Contest Update Sees Circulation Milestone


The December 23 and January 6 issues of the ARRL Contest Update newsletter cracked another barrier with more than 25,000 subscribers. Containing material that goes beyond straight contest reporting, subscribers to the ARRL Contest Update find it full of all types of useful material. The newsletter -- available free to ARRL members and published every two weeks by e-mail or Web access -- got its start as a modest text-only bulletin in March 2002. Having expanded its coverage to topics of interest to any active ham, the newsletter’s byline and mission became “News and Techniques for the Active Operator” in 2008 as it pioneered the ARRL’s graphic newsletter format. A typical newsletter contains news and human interest stories, press releases about new products for hams, photos and links to multimedia content, an editorial segment, a big section of technical items that any ham can put to work -- and even a chuckle or two. You will also find contest results from your state’s QSO party, as well as a calendar of upcoming contests and due dates for contest logs. Why not give the newsletter a try? Back issues are available online. To sign up for free delivery, log in to the ARRL Web site with your call sign and password, then click “Member Data page” and “Modify membership data.” At the bottom of the page, click the box next to “ARRL Contest Update (biweekly contest newsletter)” and you’re ready to read!



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