SB QST @ ARL $ARLB009 ARLB009 FCC resumes vanity processing! ZCZC AG09 QST de W1AW ARRL Bulletin 9 ARLB009 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT February 14, 1997 To all radio amateurs SB QST ARL ARLB009 ARLB009 FCC resumes vanity processing. The vanity floodgates have reopened. The FCC office in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, has processed vanity applications received from December 1, 1996, through the present. In all, slightly more than 2400 applications were processed, but only slightly more than half of the applicants managed to successfully snag one of their call sign choices. The FCC made 1344 grants. More than 1000 applications ended up in the dreaded work in process (WIPS) stack for special handling. It*s expected that most of the WIPS applications will be dismissed because the FCC was unable to grant any of the applicant*s requested call sign choices. In other cases, the FCC must resolve apparent discrepancies in the applicant*s name, address or call sign. A backlog of WIPS applications had held up vanity processing for approximately two months, as personnel in Gettysburg worked to clear the decks. Prior to the recent big wave on February 12, a few vanity grants had trickled out of Gettysburg as the staff worked its way through the WIPS pile. Vanity call sign applications continue to arrive at the FCC. Gate 1 opened last May, Gate 1A opened in July and Gate 2 opened in September. There is still no word on when the FCC plans to open Gate 3. NNNN /EX