SB QST @ ARL $ARLB012 ARLB012 FCC takes enforcement actions ZCZC AG12 QST de W1AW ARRL Bulletin 12 ARLB012 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT February 19, 1999 To all radio amateurs SB QST ARL ARLB012 ARLB012 FCC takes enforcement actions The FCC has told a Delaware ham that she must take her Amateur Radio examinations again or lose her license. The FCC's Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, says ''questions were raised'' about how Sheila Bowden, N3QQS, of Millsboro, upgraded to Extra. He said the FCC is requesting that Bowden start from scratch and retake ''all the elements.'' Bowden was notified February 16. The FCC has the authority under Part 97 to re-administer exam elements previously administered by VEs. The FCC told Bowden that she must retake the Amateur Extra Class examination series at an ARRL/VEC session before March 19 or lose her license. Hollingsworth said the FCC plans to call in additional amateur licensees for retesting in the near future. In all of those cases, Hollingsworth said, the FCC has reason to suspect the integrity of the examination process. ''The ham community needs to have a sense of confidence in the examination system,'' Hollingsworth said. ''This is a critical link in the chain.'' Last month, the FCC dismissed the Extra class license formerly held by Bowden's husband, Wayne, after the Commission discovered ''irregularities in the administration of the examination by the Volunteer Examiners.'' Wayne Bowden, formerly AA3RT, took the complete Amateur Radio examination series at an October 4 W5YI-VEC session. He had not held an amateur license before then. The FCC is continuing its probe into alleged testing irregularities at Pennsylvania W5YI-VEC sessions October 4 and 6, including allegations that examinees might have been coached or given test answers. In a separate action, the FCC has suspended the HF privileges of a New Jersey ham. The FCC notified Walter P. Miller Jr., W2YEE, of Edison that his privileges to operate below 30 MHz were being suspended for 180 days. The license-modification letter February 16 from Hollingsworth came in the wake of an earlier warning letter to W2YEE. Hollingsworth alleged that W2YEE's 75-meter operation on February 4 and 5 was contrary to the Amateur Service Rules. Hollingsworth said Miller violated Section 97.1, basis and purpose of Amateur Radio, Section 97.101(a), good engineering and good amateur practice, and Section 97.119, identification requirements. The alleged operation took place on 3901 and 3950 kHz, the FCC said. Miller has 30 days to formally protest the modification. NNNN /EX