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ARRL DX Bulletin ARLD017 (1996)

ARLD017 DX news

DX Bulletin 17  ARLD017
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT  March 28, 1996
To all radio amateurs

ARLD017 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with info provided by Trey,
WN4KKN, Scott, AA8SM, Cecil, NW8F, Richard, G0JFX/F5VCO, Jean
Michel, F6AJA, Dick, K2UFT, Kiyoshi, AE4EZ, Tedd, KB8NW, Wayne,
N7NG, the OPDX Bulletin, Chod, VP2ML, The DX Bulletin and Contest
Corral from QST.  Thanks to all.

VIETNAM, 3W.  Last chance to work Franz, 3W6GM.  He goes QRT March
31 to return to Germany.  Try 14198 kHz between 1100 and 1500z.  QSL
via DF5GF.

WESTERN SAHARA.  Eddie, EA3NY, hopes to use a special S0 call sign
for the WPX contest.  Plans are to erect a tower and monobanders.
He will try to work some CW and RTTY after the contest.

TONGA, A3.  Morten, LA9GY, will be active as A35GY through April 4.
He will be in the WPX contest.  QSL via LA9GY.

CHRISTMAS ISLAND, VK9X.  Martti, OH2BH, Leena, OH2BE, and Petri,
OH2KNB, will sign VK9XM for five days starting April 6.  QSL via
JA1BK.  The VK9XH Christmas Island and VK9CA Cocos Keeling
DXpedition by Ken, AD4WF, has been cancelled.

TURKEY, TA.  A group of German contesters will sign YM3DL from Izmir
in the WPX contest.  Before and after the contest they will work CW
and SSB on 160 through 10 meters using individual TA call signs.
QSL via Dr. Patrick Scheidhauer, DL4VBP, Fontanestrasse 134, D-60431
Frankfurt (Main), Germany.

MAURITANIA, 5T.  Bernd, DK3LQ, hopes to be signing 5T5MB sometime in
late March or early April.

NEW CALEDONIA, FK.  Eric, FK8GM, will sign FK5DX in the WPX contest.

MALTA, 9H.  Win, DK9IP, will sign 9H0DX during the WPX contest.
Listen for him as 9H3WK before and after the contest.

CYPRUS, 5B.  Work Frank, 5B4/DL8KWS, through April 10.

MADAGASCAR, 5R.  Gerard, 5R8EN, is frequently on 7057 kHz, listening
on 7240,  around 1415z.  He will work CW on request.  He has also
been spotted on 7006 kHz at 0345z.  QSL via F6ARA.

TAIWAN, BV.  BO0OKS will be on the air over the weekend from Kin Men
Island, aka Quemoy Island.  QSL via BV2KI.

SIERRA LEONE, 9L.  Paul, 9L1PG, and Millie, 9L1MG, will be leaving
9L in mid-June.  Paul will be spending time on 80 meter CW for those
still needing Sierra Leone on that band.  Millie frequently checks
the 14226.5 net.  QSL via NW8F.

GUINEA BISSAU, J5.  J56CK and J56DY will be QRV until April 6.

MIDWAY ISLAND, KH4.  NH6D/KH4 will be QRV for two weeks in April.
This island will be abandoned by the military in 1997.

GALAPAGOS ISLANDS, HC8.  Listen for Trey, WN4KKN, signing HC8N
during the WPX contest this weekend.  Before and after the contest
he will sign WN4KKN/HC8.  QSL via AA5BT.

ICELAND, TF.  Belgian operators ON6QR, ON7PC, ON5OO, ON1KSZ, ON4KHG
and ON4LAI will be active from Reykjavik, IOTA EU-021, signing
TF/individual call/P now through April 2, including action in the
WPX contest and a brief portable operation as TF7/ON6QR/P from
Westman Island, IOTA EU-071.  Look around IOTA frequencies 7060,
14260 and 21260 kHz.  QSL via ON4GO.

GRENADA, J3.  Joe, WB8GEX will be on the air as J3K April 5 to 12 on
160 through 10 meters.

UNESCO HQ.  F5SNJ, F5OWK, OK1FWM, F1FNQ and F1PNQ will operate
4U1SCO for three days starting March 29 from UNESCO grounds in
central Paris.  This demo station will be on 80 through 10 meter SSB
and CW, with a chance for some 160 meters, VHF and SSTV.  QSL via
F5SNJ.  The call TM5SCO may also show up on the air.

PIRATES COVE.  Current operations of KG4AA and KG4US are apparently

THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO.  The CQ WW WPX Contest on phone runs from
0000z March 30 to 2400z March 31.  For more info see page 97 of
March QST.


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