SB DX @ ARL $ARLD036 ARLD036 DX news ZCZC AE78 QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 36 ARLD036 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT August 1, 1996 To all radio amateurs SB DX ARL ARLD036 ARLD036 DX news This week's bulletin was made possible with info provided by Tedd, KB8NW, the OPDX Bulletin, Chris, G4BUE, the DX News Sheet, Jean Michel, F6AJA, Min, HL1SSG, Joe, NJ1Q, The DX News Letter, Uwe, DL9GOA, Frank, AH0W/OH2LVG, and Contest Corral from QST. Thanks to all. FIJI, 3D2. Gianni, I5JHW, will operate 40 to 10 meter CW and SSB August 8 to 14, possibly as 3D2HW. Check out 14022 kHz. QSL via I5JHW. SOUTHERN COOK ISLANDS, ZK1. I5JHW will be here August 14 to 20, perhaps operating as ZK1XO. QSL via I5JHW. DJIBOUTI, J2. Jean Claude, J28JA, has been on 160 meters. Try between 0100 and 0200z around 1830 to 1835 kHz. QSL via F5PWH. SVALBARD, JW. JW6RHA should start being active August 2. Try 14248 kHz. GREENLAND, OX. The Danish branch of the International Police Radio Club, IPARC, will sign OX3IPA from Nuuk October 28 to November 11, mostly with CW on 160 through 10 meters. QSL via OZ5AAH with SASE ONLY. CRETE, SV9. HA0HW will sign SV9/HA0HW/P August 5 to 19, mostly on 30, 17 and 24 meters. He will also do some 40 and 20 meter CW and SSB. QSL via HA0HW CBA. MADAGASCAR, 5R. Jean Michel, F6AJA, will visit Gerard, 5R8EN, August 18 to September 8 and operate from his station. They will also try to operate from Nosy Be, IOTA AF-57. CORSICA, TK. Paul, F2YT, will sign TK/F2YT August 18 to September 2. He will try to be active from some coastal island. SOUTH KOREA, HL. The Dongah University ARC of Pusan will go on DXpedition to Maemul Island, IOTA AS-081, August 8 to 12. Listen for HL0BDU/5. QSL direct or via the bureau. The Yonsei Amateur Radio Research Association is QRV until August 3 as HL0Y/3 from Sapsi Island, IOTA AS-080. Check 40 through 10 meter CW and SSB. QSL via HL0Y. LESOTHO, 7P. Martin, G4FUI, should be active from Maseru until early December as 7P8/G4FUI. He operates CW and SSB. QSL via G4FUI. MIDWAY ISLAND, KH4. Pat, NH6UY, has joined the August 18 to 25 DXpedition and brings satellite operating experience to the team. QSL via KE7LZ. QSL MANAGER VOLUNTEER. Chris, AA9HD, wants to offer his services as a QSL manager. His email address is THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. Details on the ARRL UHF Contest appear on page 108 in June QST. Info on the North American CW QSO Party, QRP ARCI Summer Daze SSB Sprint, Ten-Ten International Net Summer Phone Contest and YO DX Contest is on page 96 of August QST. NNNN /EX