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ARRL Propagation Bulletin ARLP044 (2000)

ARLP044 Propagation de K7VVV

QST de W1AW  
Propagation Forecast Bulletin 44  ARLP044
From Tad Cook, K7VVV
Seattle, WA  November 3, 2000
To all radio amateurs 

ARLP044 Propagation de K7VVV

Solar activity was up for the past week. During the CQ Worldwide DX
Phone Contest, geomagnetic activity rose through the weekend,
reaching storm levels on Sunday. Both the mid-latitude and planetary
K indices reached 5, and the A indices were 24 and 26, respectively.
The Alaskan College K index, which is higher during high geomagnetic
activity due to its high latitude, was 6 over two periods and the A
index was 41 for Sunday, indicating a severe geomagnetic storm. No
doubt contest operators in Fairbanks experienced dead HF conditions.

Average sunspot numbers were up nearly 19 points and average solar
flux was up nearly 26 points compared to the previous week. Last
week's Propagation Forecast Bulletin ARLP043 mentioned a predicted
solar flux peaking around 190 on November 2. The noon flux reading
at Penticton on Thursday was 196.3, but flux values are now expected
to peak around 200 on November 3 or 4. Solar flux is expected to
decline below 190 by November 8, then reach a broad minimum around
160 between November 11-17.

A coronal hole has been developing in the center of the solar disk
facing earth, and this could cause some unsettled geomagnetic
conditions over the next few days. Currently the planetary A index
is predicted at 20 for November 4 and 15 for the next day, followed
by quiet conditions until November 10 when it may be 15 again. A
planetary A index of 15 is also predicted for November 13 and 15,
and on November 17 and 18 the projected A index is 20 and 25, based
on the previous solar rotation.

Average solar flux for October was 167.7. For June through September
it was 179.8, 200.5, 163.1 and 201.7.

For this weekend we have path projections for the ARRL November CW
Sweepstakes Contest.

From Seattle to Los Angeles, 80 meters 2200-1730z (best 0130-
1400z), 40 meters all hours, peaking an hour after sunset and best
0100-1430z, 20 meters 1530-0300z, 15 meters 1700-0000z, 10 meters
1830-2200z, best 2000-2100z. To Dallas, 80 meters 2330-1400z (best
0300-1200z), 40 meters all hours, best 0130-1230z, weakest
1800-2000z, 20 meters 1300-0530z, best toward the end of the period,
15 meters 1500-0200z, 10 meters 1600-2330z. To Atlanta, 80 meters
2330-1330z (best 0330-1100z), 40 meters all hours, best 0130-1130z,
weakest 1630-2030z, 20 meters 1130-1330z and 1500-0530z (better
toward the end of the period), 15 meters 1430-0130z, 10 meters
1530-0000z. To Ohio, 80 meters 2300-1330z (best 0330-1100z), 40
meters all hours, best 0130-1130z, weakest 1700-1930z, 20 meters
1300-1400z and 1500-0500z, 15 meters 1430-0100z, 10 meters
1600-2300z. To Salt Lake City, 80 meters open all hours, best
0130-1300z, weakest 1830-2030z, 40 meters 1200-0730z, 20 meters
1630-0100z, 15 meters 2000-2100z. To Philadelphia, 80 meters
2330-1230z, 40 meters open all hours, best 0130-1100z, weakest
1600-1830z, 20 meters 1500-0100z, 15 meters 1630-2200z, 10 meters
1830-2000z. To Alaska, 80 meters 2330-1730z (best 0400-1400z), 40
meters open all hours, best 0200-1430z, 20 meters 1600-0430z, 15
meters 1730-0130z, 10 meters 1930-0000z. To Hawaii, 80 meters
0300-1530z (best 0530-1430z), 40 meters 0200-1800z (best
0430-1430z), 20 meters 1530-0630z, 15 meters 1700-0300z, 10 meters

From Los Angeles to Dallas, 80 meters 2330-1430z (best 0230-1200z),
40 meters all hours, best 0130-1230z, weakest 1730-2000z, 20 meters
1330-0530z, 15 meters 1500-0130z, 10 meters 1630-2300z. To Atlanta,
80 meters 2330-1330z (best 0330-1100z), 40 meters open all hours,
best 0130-1130z, weakest 1730-1930z, 20 meters open all hours, best
0100-1130z, weakest 1630-2000z, 15 meters 1400-0200z, 10 meters
1500-0030z. To Ohio, 80 meters 2330-1330z (best 0330-1100z), 40
meters open all hours, best 0130-1130z, weakest 1700-2000z, 20
meters open all hours, best 0100-1200z, weakest 1630-2030z, 15
meters 1400-0200z, 10 meters 1500-0000z. To Salt Lake City, 80
meters open all hours, best 0130-1300z, weakest 1830 2100z, 40
meters open all hours, strongest 0130-1030z, weakest 1800-2100z, 20
meters 1600-0030z. To Philadelphia, 80 meters 0000-1230z, 40 meters
2200-1430z, 20 meters 1400-0100z, 15 meters 1530-2230z, 10 meters
1700-2000z. To Alaska, 80 meters 0100-1500z, 40 meters open all
hours, best 0300-1330z, weakest 1900-2130z, 20 meters 1700-0400z, 15
meters 1900-0100z. To Hawaii, 80 meters 0300-1500z, 40 meters
0200-1630z, 20 meters 1600-1100z, 15 meters 1700-0330z, 10 meters

From Dallas to Atlanta, 80 meters open all hours, best 0000-1100z,
weakest 1630-1900z, 40 meters open all hours, best 0000-1130z,
weakest 1600-1930z, 20 meters 1400-0000z, 15 meters 1600-2030z. To
Ohio, 80 meters 2100-1430z, 40 meters open all hours, best
2300-1230z, weakest 1630-1900z, 20 meters 1330-0130z, 15 meters
1430-2230z, 10 meters 1700-1930z. To Philadelphia, 80 meters
2200-1300z, 40 meters open all hours, best 0000-1100z, weakest
1630-1830z, 20 meters 1230-0200z, 15 meters 1400-2330z, 10 meters
1530-2100z. To Alaska, 80 meters 0030-1330z, 40 meters 2230-1500z,
20 meters 1500-0330z, 15 meters 1730-0100z, 10 meters 1930-2300z.

From Ohio to Salt Lake City, 80 meters 2300-1330z, 40 meters open
all hours, strongest 0030-1130z, weakest 1700-1930z, 20 meters
1300-0230z, 15 meters 1430-0030z, 10 meters 1600-2230z. To
Philadelphia, 80 meters open all hours, strongest 2300-1100z, 40
meters 1300-0030z, 20 meters 1700-1830z. To Alaska, 80 meters
2330-1300z, 40 meters open all hours, strongest 0030-1130z, 20
meters 1500-0130z, 15 meters 1800-2300z.

Sunspot numbers for October 26 through November 1 were 113, 113,
153, 163, 158, 135 and 206 with a mean of 148.7. 10.7 cm flux was
171, 175.9, 182.2, 187.1, 193.7, 193.4 and 204.4, with a mean of
186.8, and estimated planetary A indices were 7, 5, 19, 26, 13, 11
and 6 with a mean of 12.4.


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