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Affiliated Club Resources

ARRL Affiliated Clubs

  • Application For Affiliation

    The club kit contains the application forms to affiliate your club with ARRL.
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  • Sample Constitution

    A club constitution is a very important document and should not be taken lightly as it provides the foundation for the governing of the club. This sample constitution is a good illustration and may be used as a starting point when drafting your club's constitution. Please feel free to modify this example to meet the requirements of your club.
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  • Tips and Tonics for Healthier Radio Clubs

    Successful radio clubs are a joy to experience. Easy to spot, they are usually populated by enthusiastic, gung-ho members who are involved with a full agenda of interesting things. They are generally at the center of most Amateur Radio activities in town.
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  • Leadership For The Amateur Radio Club

    Congratulations! You have just been appointed to a leadership position of your Amateur Radio club. You may be on the board of directors or an officer of the club or you may be chairperson of an event like a hamfest or Field Day. Other positions of leadership may include heading up a team of Volunteer Examiners or organizing a new licensing class. Whatever the responsibility, the fact remains that the members of your organization are now looking to YOU to lead them to accomplish a set of goals.
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  • Leadership PPT Slide Show

    Leadership PPT Slide Show
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  • Rules and Regulations Concerning Affiliated Societies

    From the ARRL Rules and Regulations

    1. It shall be the policy of the League to affiliate with itself organized, non-commercial Amateur Radio groups or societies of kindred aims and purposes with a view to forming a homogeneous organization for unity of action in matters affecting amateur welfare. This policy shall embrace four categories of affiliation as follows:


    Category 1 -- Local Amateur Radio clubs.

    Category 2 -- Regional or National organized Amateur Radio groups.

    Category 3 -- Amateur Radio clubs in homes for the elderly or disabled.

    Category 4 -- Groups of Amateur Radio clubs joined together in common purpose.

    Category 5 -- K-12 School or Student Group

    Category 6 -- College or University Club


    2. Any such society which suitably expresses its sympathy with and allegiance to the aims and policies of the League in accordance with these Rules and Regulations is eligible for affiliation. Applications for affiliation shall be submitted to the Executive Vice President and referred to the respective Division Director who, in discretionary consultation with the respective Affiliated Club Coordinator and Section Manager, shall determine that the society is worthy and well qualified. The applicant thereupon shall be referred to the Executive Committee for its approval. A suitable certificate shall be issued to the society in recognition of its affiliation.


    3. The affiliation of any society may be terminated and its charter recalled by the Executive Committee at any time for any cause deemed prejudicial to the best interests of the League.


    4. In a Category 1 or 2 society, at least 51% of the voting membership must be members of the League, and at least 51% of the voting members must be licensed amateurs to be eligible for and to maintain affiliation status. In a Category 3 society, affiliation status may be granted if the sponsor, faculty advisor, president or trustee of the society is a licensed amateur and a League member, and where the society's name clearly shows that it falls within this grouping. In a Category 4 society, at least 51% of the member clubs must be actively affiliated with the ARRL for affiliation status to be granted. Category 4 affiliated club groups are not eligible to participate in club competitions, but individual clubs are encouraged to submit entries. A Category 1 affiliated club must have no fewer than four members.


    5. The Executive Vice President shall be responsible for the general supervision of the affiliated societies and their welfare, and for the relations existing with them; the Executive Vice President shall keep the records and conduct the correspondence with them.


    6. These Rules and Regulations shall have the force and effect of By-Laws of the League. They may be amended as necessary from time to time by the Executive Committee. Amendments or revisions shall become effective as of the date of their publication in QST.


    7. In addition to meeting the normal requirements for affiliation, as outlined in the Rules and Regulations Concerning Affiliated Societies, an Amateur Radio club outside the League operating territory must submit a statement from the IARU member society of the country in which it is located approving ARRL affiliation of the club. Upon receipt of this letter and the usual forms, the club's application will be submitted to the Executive Committee for approval.


  • Club Station Author's Guide and Form

    Club Station is the club feature in QST magazine. The attached author’s guide will help you prepare a submission for your club. Club Station is to highlight the achievements of the club and to show how the club has grown and overcome challenges. Please be sure to fill out the included form and attach that to your initial submission. The ARRL editorial department will review the submission and contact you with ideas.

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