Chapter 2: Procedures and Practices
You’ll find that operating on the HF bands as a General Class licensee has many similarities to the operating you’ve done as a Technician. You’ll also find that there are many new and different modes and methods to try. Section 2 introduces you to those new procedures and practices.
- ARRL Awards program - a large selection of operating achievement awards
- Worked All Continents (WAC)
- Worked All States (WAS)
- VUCC - Code Proficiency Certificate
- Islands On the Air (IOTA) - 1200 island groups worldwide waiting for your contact
- K1BV directory - over 3000 ham radio awards
- Summits on the Air (SOTA) - encourages portable operation in mountainous areas
- ARRL Awards program - a large selection of operating achievement awards
Confirming Your Contacts - QSLing
- ARRL Incoming QSL Bureau - receiving foreign cards
- ARRL Outgoing QSL Bureau - sending foreign cards
- Logbook Of the World - The ARRL's online contact database
- ARRL Awards program - a large selection of operating achievement awards
- Worked All Continents (WAC)
- Worked All States (WAS)
- VUCC - Code Proficiency Certificate
- Islands On the Air (IOTA) - 1200 island groups worldwide waiting for your contact
- K1BV directory - over 3000 ham radio awards
- Summits on the Air (SOTA) - encourages portable operation in mountainous areas
- ARRL Awards program - a large selection of operating achievement awards
- Amateur band plans - guidance about where to find different types of operating
- Amateur Frequency Chart - a colorful chart that makes remembering band segments easier
- Frequency Coordinators - find your local frequency coordinator here
- The ARRL Repeater Directory - annual list of repeaters in North America Nets
- ARRL Net Search page - find nets on-line
Radiosport - Contesting and DXing
- ARRL Contests
- ARRL DX Bulletin - a variety of bulletins are transmitted by W1AW over the air or can be received by email
- Field Day
- National Contest Journal - bimonthly magazine on contesting
- Contest Calendar - ARRLs contest calendar, with llinks to other popular contest sties
- The Complete DXer by Bob Locher W9KNI
- Other DX Bulletins: Daily DX and 425 DX News
- Real-time DX Information: DX Summit, DX Heat, DX Maps
- Amateur Satellites - general information about communicating through the amateur satellites
- Amateur Radio on the ISS - learn all about contacting the International Space Station
- AMSAT - largest amateur satellite organization
- Earth-Moon-Earth or "Moonbounce" - information on this lengthiest of contacts and other interesting operating activities on the VHF+ bands
Licensing, Education & Training >> Getting Licensed >> Upgrading to a General License >> General Class License Manual >> Chapter 2 Procedures & Practices