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Digital QST

Jun 24th 2012, 01:39

Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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My first experience with the new Digital QST is a huge disappointment. I was excited at first - with my Nook Tablet I can subscribe to any magazine, and thought "Great, what a good way to read QST."
Not so fast - though it has the ePUB format, it turns out it is not the general standard that Nook and others use, but a proprietary format. This really seems aimed at Apple iPad users - and I wonder what percent of Hams are necessarily in that category.
I have a pretty good, current Windows PC and DSL connection - the online version of QST is smart looking but I wanted to be able to download it and have a copy where I can keep it.
Whoa... 367MB for a single month's issue, and it took 30 minutes to download - my downloads normally don't take that long, but apparently whatever server they're using does not seem to have much throughput.
I hope I'm completely wrong and this turns out to be as great as I hoped it would be.
Jun 26th 2012, 02:08


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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No such luck! See the thread in the General Technical Q&A forum.

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