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duplex vs diplex Jul 17th 2019, 06:06 3 6,913 on 17/7/19

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duplex vs diplex KM4EON on 17/7/19
Thank you W1VT for the reply and the link. And I see the author expresses his opinion about "ham grade" diplexers. Back to the drawing board. Again, thanks.
duplex vs diplex KM4EON on 17/7/19
If I missed an answer in my search - please direct me to it.
I want to use a single dual band antenna for 2 different radios - 1 UHF and 1 VHF. Both may be tx at the same time. Do I use a duplexer or diplexer to connect both radios to one antenna lead?
Internet searches point me in both directions as do sales people at different "big name" ham radio outlets. Some say they are same thing.

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