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New Vice Directors in Central, Roanoke Divisions


On Friday, November 20, ARRL staff members started opening ballots for the Vice Director races in the Central and Roanoke Divisions. Southeastern Division Director Greg Sarratt, W4OZK; Rocky Mountain Division Director Brian Mileshosky, N5ZGT, and ARRL Chief Executive Officer David Sumner, K1ZZ served as Tellers. A representative from an independent auditor was on hand, as well. Sarratt and Mileshosky are members of the League's Ethics and Elections Committee; Sarratt is Chairman of the committee. After all the ballots were counted, both the Central and Roanoke Divisions gained new Vice Directors, with their three-year terms beginning at noon on January 1, 2010.

ARRL Central Division

In the Central Division, challenger Kermit Carlson, W9XA, of Batavia, Illinois, edged out incumbent Howard S. Huntington, K9KM, of Hawthorn Woods, Illinois; Huntington has served as the Central Division's second-in-command since 1983. Carlson received 1808 votes, while Huntington received 1466 votes.

Carlson, an engineering physicist with Fermi National Accelerator Lab (FNAL), currently serves as Chairman of the League's VHF/UHF Advisory Committee (VUAC); he was appointed to that committee in 2005 and served as Chairman since January. First licensed in 1969 as WB9FBX, he holds an Amateur Extra class license, as well as a Second Class Radiotelegraph and General Radiotelephone Commercial license. Carlson's interests include DX, VHF/UHF weak signal and EME, 30 and 40 meter CW and the digital modes. He is an active member of ARES®, the Society of Midwest Contesters, AMSAT, TAPR and MARS.

"I will be an active and accessible Vice Director," said in position statement, "one who will represent the consensus of the Central Division and will provide local club support by representing the ARRL at local hamfests and conferences. I will work to expand the amateur spectrum, facilitate youth outreach and expand education. I will be a tireless advocate for all aspects of this diverse, established yet evolving hobby."

ARRL Roanoke Division

Roanoke Division Vice Director Patricia Hensley, N4ROS, decided not to seek another term. South Carolina Section Manager Jim Boehner, N2ZZ, of Aiken, and former West Virginia Section Manager Hal Turley, W8HC, of Huntington, were both nominated to succeed her. Boehner won the election with 1692 votes; Turley received 1496 votes.

Boehner, first licensed in 1969, holds an Amateur Extra class license. He is a physician specializing in women's healthcare. Boehner has served four terms as the ARRL South Carolina Section Manager. "My original plan [when I was first elected Section Manager] for the South Carolina Section was to expand participation in and unify the ARRL Field Organization in the Section," he said in his position statement. "At this time, we have active participation in all of the major cabinet positions and more than 100 active appointees."

The newly elected Vice Director said that he sees his position as being the one to bring "members' views and concerns to the Board level so that appropriate action can be taken. Should members see a communications gap between them and the Board, I would like to bridge that gap." Boehner is an ARRL Life Member and a life member of the QCWA, an ARRL Volunteer Examiner (VE) and Official Observer (OO). He has earned DXCC Honor Roll and 5BDXCC

Elected without Opposition

Responding to solicitations in the July and August 2009 issues of QST, ARRL members in the Central, Hudson, New England, Northwestern and Roanoke Divisions nominated 11 candidates for the 10 positions of Director and Vice Director of each of the five divisions. Seven incumbents were declared elected without opposition: Central Division Director George R. Isely, W9GIG; Hudson Division Director Frank Fallon, N2FF, and Vice Director Joyce Birmingham, KA2ANF; New England Division Director Tom Frenaye, K1KI, and Vice Director Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF; Northwestern Division Director Jim Fenstermaker, K9JF, and Roanoke Division Director Dennis Bodson, W4PWF. The rules state that if a candidate is running unopposed, he or she shall be declared the winner without balloting.

No one from the Northwestern Division requested a petition form for the Vice Director position, so that position will become vacant at noon on January 1, 2010; William J. Sawders, K7ZM, is the current Northwestern Division Vice Director. The ARRL President is empowered by the ARRL Articles of Association and Bylaws to appoint someone to fill the vacant position.

"Every three years, each ARRL member has a say in who will best represent their ideas and concerns as it relates to the League and Amateur Radio," Mileshosky said. "It was great to see members of the Central and Roanoke Divisions participate in the process of electing their Vice Directors. I am looking forward to working with Kermit and Jim at the upcoming January board meeting.

The next scheduled Division elections are next fall for the Pacific, Rocky Mountain, Southeastern, Southwestern and West Gulf ARRL Divisions. In accordance with League's Bylaws, ballots will be counted on November 19, 2010.



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