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Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners

This forum area is for discussions or Q&A related to antennas, feed lines, baluns, antenna tuners and antenna support structures, etc.

Topic Author Created Posts Views Activity
Open Portable antenna for travels KG5RVR Apr 4th 2018, 11:42 1 5,417 on 4/4/18
Open 9:1 or 1:1 Balun? K4PDM Mar 23rd 2018, 04:33 3 5,723 on 23/3/18
by W1VT
Open 80M Vertical with AH-4 KD7PJD Mar 13th 2018, 12:24 4 6,577 on 20/3/18
by W1VT
Open Outdoor fiberglass anything N0CHS Feb 24th 2018, 13:28 1 5,933 on 24/2/18
by N0CHS
Open Homebrew Balun Wire W9KJO Feb 14th 2018, 09:05 4 7,260 on 15/2/18
by W1VT
Open Building the Loop Skywire Antenna K9FNN Feb 1st 2018, 13:26 4 6,917 on 5/2/18
by W1VT
Open Building hand held Yagi for LEO satellites KM4NSV Jan 29th 2018, 12:25 2 6,759 on 1/2/18
by W1VT
Open Support for wire antennas. Wire or rope? N1AUP Jan 25th 2018, 06:19 3 6,149 on 25/1/18
by N1AUP
Open Windom for 80 - 10. Choke or not choke? N1AUP Jan 25th 2018, 15:22 2 6,472 on 25/1/18
by W1VT
Open Ladder Line 'losses near metal' KB0PDK Jan 23rd 2018, 17:51 2 6,248 on 24/1/18
by W1VT
Open Trap question jtabatch Jan 10th 2018, 11:25 2 5,660 on 12/1/18
by W1VT
Open Mobile whip used as base station antenna K8OUA Oct 17th 2017, 01:49 2 5,788 on 24/12/17
Open Endfed longwire vs OCF dipole KN4CUT Dec 23rd 2017, 10:40 2 6,075 on 23/12/17
Open Belden 8214 RG/8U WB4GVZ Oct 17th 2017, 14:43 3 7,229 on 23/12/17
Open Drone aka UAV to put up stationary antenna? xof7fox Aug 12th 2014, 21:57 9 8,839 on 23/12/17
Open Choke Balun for 6 meter. VE2GTN Sep 12th 2017, 19:28 4 8,883 on 26/11/17
by iz5xrc
Open Is there an advantage to a ten meter rotatable dipole WD4ERM Nov 22nd 2017, 21:11 2 5,274 on 24/11/17
by W1VT
Open tilted ATAS-120a work NVIS 0001490519H80 Nov 20th 2017, 13:51 1 6,078 on 20/11/17
by 0001490519H80
Open Chameleon Mag loop good for NVIS? 0001490519H80 Nov 19th 2017, 13:53 1 6,184 on 19/11/17
by 0001490519H80
Open BiCone Antenna WB2LYL Nov 3rd 2017, 09:27 6 5,620 on 5/11/17
by W1VT
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