Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners
This forum area is for discussions or Q&A related to antennas, feed lines, baluns,
antenna tuners and antenna support structures, etc.
Topic |
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How close is too close?
Jun 22nd 2019, 08:26 |
1 |
6,760 |
on 22/6/19
How figure erp of an ATAS-120 @ 30 watts?
0001490519H80 |
Aug 22nd 2017, 18:54 |
4 |
6,593 |
on 24/8/17
by W1VT
how i can make a antenna for 2m yagi
wp4oco |
Oct 30th 2014, 18:53 |
2 |
6,128 |
on 30/10/14
by W1VT
how to evaluate your antenna tuner QST04/95
dj8ul |
Jul 8th 2014, 20:08 |
2 |
5,814 |
on 10/7/14
by W1VT
How to handle excess cable
Dec 10th 2018, 11:59 |
4 |
7,540 |
on 19/6/20
by W1VT
How to measure the distance between elements?
KO2F |
Jun 7th 2019, 13:23 |
2 |
6,584 |
on 7/6/19
by W1VT
How to Stack two Triband Yagis
Jun 18th 2021, 18:08 |
4 |
6,469 |
on 22/7/21
Hurricane-ready (rotatable) antenna mast holder
arrl2020 |
Feb 19th 2021, 12:39 |
1 |
5,564 |
on 19/2/21
by arrl2020
Hy-Gain balun coax connector
Nov 10th 2014, 20:22 |
5 |
6,271 |
on 12/11/14
by OA4SS
Hy-gain mod 18 AVT/WB-A vertical problem
oldham43 |
Sep 9th 2013, 13:13 |
2 |
8,903 |
on 9/9/13
by W1VT
HYGain AV680 Vertical
kylegmd |
Jul 24th 2020, 12:13 |
2 |
6,727 |
on 25/11/20
I have lived in apartments and have had antenna restrictions for many years, never getting on low ba
wd6ejn |
May 15th 2023, 16:30 |
1 |
2,958 |
on 15/5/23
by wd6ejn
IC-706 and FC40 auto tuner
Apr 17th 2015, 02:30 |
3 |
6,016 |
on 18/4/15
by AB8CC
Ideas for an Antenna in an Apartment with Aluminum Siding
Feb 1st 2020, 14:48 |
2 |
6,804 |
on 8/4/20
by W8UA
Ideas for an Apartment Balcany Antenna
Apr 21st 2012, 03:04 |
2 |
9,009 |
on 21/4/12
by W1VT
If I am Tx'ing a VHF GrndWave of how much value is a Beam Antenna?
xof7fox |
Jan 6th 2014, 16:54 |
4 |
7,388 |
on 14/1/14
by xof7fox
Impedance Matching HF
xof7fox |
Aug 1st 2013, 22:18 |
3 |
8,990 |
on 3/8/13
by W1VT
Impedance per current General Manual p.6-6/fig.6-5 ?
xof7fox |
Nov 13th 2013, 16:48 |
1 |
7,426 |
on 13/11/13
by xof7fox
In need of antenna advise for HF
K3XQ |
Jan 3rd 2019, 02:26 |
10 |
9,773 |
on 6/8/19
by K0UO
indoor antenna
0001529375H80 |
Nov 14th 2016, 00:53 |
2 |
7,910 |
on 14/11/16
by W1VT
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Technology >> Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners
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