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Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners

This forum area is for discussions or Q&A related to antennas, feed lines, baluns, antenna tuners and antenna support structures, etc.

Topic Author Created Posts Views Activity
Open Practical use of antenna, tuner, etc by new tech WA1UKG Oct 18th 2012, 22:00 14 6,632 on 7/11/12
by aa6e
Open Proper Grounding of Coaxial Feed? K0WUQ Feb 2nd 2022, 15:26 1 4,352 on 2/2/22
by K0WUQ
Open protecting antenna element joints KE5HDF Aug 11th 2015, 21:47 2 5,345 on 18/8/15
by W1VT
Open Q on dBi, dBd & dB(nothing) vendor data? xof7fox Nov 20th 2014, 20:31 2 6,147 on 21/11/14
by W1VT
Open Question about End Fed Antennas 3100193311H80 Jan 3rd 2014, 07:11 4 9,474 on 5/3/15
Open Question on 80Mtr Mini Beam Elements KG6INX Mar 25th 2017, 06:02 2 5,244 on 25/3/17
by AI4BJ
Open Questionable readings and seeking advice KG5WKO Jan 9th 2019, 08:43 3 5,850 on 10/1/19
Open Questions about line isolator ag7ov Aug 4th 2018, 20:58 5 6,382 on 7/8/18
by ag7ov
Open R7000 guying question ... KD1JT Mar 25th 2020, 13:36 3 5,272 on 11/4/20
Open Radials N3XUB Sep 14th 2020, 20:12 3 5,297 on 15/9/20
by N3XUB
Open Radials or counterpoise for a mobile antenna K2FI Nov 23rd 2015, 16:09 3 6,553 on 24/11/15
Open Random wire along fence top AG3EK Aug 16th 2012, 13:59 6 11,662 on 24/11/13
by N4SV
Open random wire antenna WD9DMM Aug 20th 2014, 22:29 2 6,081 on 21/8/14
by W1VT
Open Recommendations for HF antenna/tuner for a newbie wshartjr Nov 19th 2014, 19:18 2 5,526 on 19/11/14
by W1VT
Open Reflections(Maxwell) w7MH Jul 24th 2013, 18:41 2 6,832 on 24/7/13
by W1VT
Open reflector under a dipole K4JPY Dec 26th 2019, 23:13 2 5,266 on 16/1/20
by K5XBP
Open Refurbishing Old Yagi WB5EMX Jun 6th 2021, 11:38 1 5,151 on 6/6/21
Open Relay switching twin lead W7LBV Oct 5th 2013, 23:58 3 5,561 on 7/10/13
by W7LBV
Open Remote Antenna KZ6B Mar 14th 2014, 21:40 5 5,685 on 19/3/14
by KZ6B
Open Remote Antenna Tuner W2NM Jul 22nd 2021, 11:12 2 4,931 on 23/7/21
by W1VT
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